Is homeschooling legal in Namibia?

As a parent in Namibia, you have the freedom to choose a homeschool solution for your children, on condition that you apply to the Minister of Education within 10 days of the school year starting.

Your application may be approved by the Minister if:

  • A situation relating to health or disability exists that prevents the learner from attending or fully benefiting from the regular school attendance;
  • the registration is in the best interest of the learner; or
  • the education to be received by the learner at home meets the minimum requirements of the curriculum provided in State schools and is a standard not inferior to the standard of education provided at State schools.
  • The Executive Director may designate monitoring and evaluation, and the Minister may withdraw registration if the minimum requirements are not met."

Children must begin their education starting the first school day of the year in which a child turns 6 years old until the last school day of the year in which he or she attains the age of 18 years (or until other factors such as completion of secondary education, completion of a specialized education program, or other exemptions are met). (The Basic Education Act 3 of 2020)

How to start homeschooling in Namibia

Give the school your children are currently attending notice that you will be withdrawing them. Ensure that you receive a formal report card of the completed grade from the school. This will facilitate the transition to a homeschooling curriculum.

Prepare for homeschooling by creating the appropriate learning environment for your child and gather the necessary materials such as textbooks. Remember to refer to your selected curriculum’s recommended textbook list and school’s textbook suppliers lists.

Finally, ensure that you set up a structure or routine that works for you and your child before you start. It doesn’t have to conform to the standard school day which you are used to, but it should offer a suitable framework within which your child can flourish as they work through their curriculum.

How to register for homeschooling in Namibia

You’re not obligated to register with the Minister of Education, but it is advisable for you to register with the Homeschool Association of Namibia, the governing body for all homeschoolers (both centres and students).

It is important to note if you register on the Ministry of Education’s website you register as a private school and not a homeschooler. That means that if the government enforces a specific curriculum, by law you will be required to follow that curriculum.

Homeschooling costs Namibia

The cost of homeschooling in Namibia will depend on the curriculum, platform, student level and the subjects you select. The homeschooling costs will also be influenced by the following factors:

  • Selected platform and its fees
  • Textbooks
  • Exam fees

The costing provided below is for illustrative purposes only, and will vary depending on the number of subjects, the examination venues, and the textbook formats you’ve elected to buy (eg. digital copy vs. printed textbook). 

Primary School homeschooling costs

Annual online homeschooling fees for Cambridge primary stage students range between N$10 700 and N$30 581 per year for three subjects. Textbooks will cost between N$1 700 and N$3 400 and at this level there are no additional examination fees. 

Annual online homeschooling fees for CAPS primary students range between N$8 520 and N$23 940 for Grades 1-6 and ranges between N$28 152 and N$36 000 for Grade 7. The increase in school fees from Grade 6 to Grade 7 is due to students taking 9 subjects at this level. 

CAPS curriculum textbooks costs range between N$1 885 and N$2 534, and at this level there are no additional examination fees. 

High School homeschooling costs

Annual online homeschooling fees for lower secondary stage students range between N$38 330 and N$60 565 per year for six subjects. Textbooks will cost between N$6 600 and N$8 300 and there are no additional examination fees for Lower Secondary years 1 and 2. 

Annual online homeschooling fees for IGCSE students range between N$41 350 and N$82 600 per year for six subjects. Textbooks will cost between N$5 000 and N$6 650 and, depending on the examination centre, exam fees range between N$16 629-N$33 260 collectively.

Annual online homeschooling fees for CAPS high school students range between N$28 152 and N$36 800 per year. Textbooks will cost between N$2 415 and N$2 890 and at this level there are no additional examination fees. 

AS Level homeschooling fees

Annual online homeschooling fees for A Level students range between N$29 135 and N$62 520 per year for four subjects. Textbooks will cost between N$6 650 and N$8 315 and, depending on the examination centre, the subject, and the exam type, exam fees range between N$16 630-N$33 260 collectively.

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Homeschooling Curriculums Namibia

Namibia does not yet have specific curriculum requirements set out, but students who attend a public school will receive the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) level at the end of Grade 11.

After completing the (NSSCO) level at the end of Grade 11, learners have various options: they may choose to continue with either vocational education and training or with distance learning or seek employment.

The most popular homeschooling curriculums parents can choose from in Namibia are:

  • International British Curriculum/Cambridge Curriculum - A globally recognised system of learning and assessment that allows for a seamless integration with national curricula worldwide. It offers more flexibility for students to work at their own pace and students are able to write exams in exam centres anywhere in the world.
  • CAPS - Also known as a National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. The CAPS curriculum follows a structured schedule aligned with the South African school year.
  • GED® / General Educational Development Test - Is the American alternative to the British Curriculum’s A Levels and is also recognised globally.














After school


Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 13

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