Using Positive Reinforcement in the Classroom, While Learning

As a teacher or parent, it can be challenging to determine how to get the best out of your student or child. However, in recent years, there has been a tendency towards positive reinforcement, which has yielded fantastic results

This article will discuss the difference between positive and negative reinforcement, list some benefits of this practice, and give examples of positive reinforcement in the classroom. 

The Difference Between Positive and Negative Reinforcement 

To understand the difference between positive and negative reinforcement, you must understand the concepts of reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is an action that increases the probability of someone repeating an action. On the other hand, punishment is a harmful or unpleasant consequence of someone's action. 

Why is this distinction important? Well, negative reinforcement is often confused with punishment. In reality, negative reinforcement is not necessarily a bad reinforcement technique. 

Negative reinforcement removes a stimulus or item to increase the chances of someone performing a task or having a specific reaction. 

For example, if a parent constantly asks a child to practice their timetables and the child consistently refuses to do so, negative reinforcement would be the parent stopping or reducing the number of times they make this request. In theory, this should prompt the child to practice their times tables to avoid the parent asking them or increasing the number of requests in the future. 

Positive reinforcement focuses on rewarding someone after completing a task or performing an action. This reward encourages the person to continue to repeat that action. 

If we revisit the previous example of asking a child to practice their timetables, then positive reinforcement would be allowing the child to have a bit of TV time or play ten minutes longer in the garden after they have done so. 

The Benefits of Positive Reinforcement for Students 

While positive reinforcement can be applied at home, it can also be used in the learning environment to encourage a student. This practice has been shown to yield a wide variety of beneficial results when applied correctly and often can even be the factor that determines whether a student is successful in their schooling career

Creates a Positive Learning Environment

Positive reinforcement can create a positive learning environment. When praised for their efforts and accomplishments, students automatically continue on that path and strive towards success. This is because they will feel valued and motivated. 

Improves a Students Self-Esteem

When students receive praise, they become more confident in their abilities. This will increase their self-esteem and provide them with the courage they need to progress and tackle new learning material. 

Increases Student Engagement

Children who feel valued and confident are more likely to engage and participate in class. Therefore, they will be more likely to ask questions, listen intently, and focus on schoolwork. This will, in turn, improve their learning experience. 

Promotes Learning and Growth

Motivation, confidence, and engagement will allow children to push themselves towards exploration and growth. Therefore, they will explore their curiosities and start to enjoy learning, which will allow them to grow and flourish. 

Encourages Academic Success

When children start to enjoy learning and experience all of the benefits associated with positive reinforcement, their grades will automatically improve. This is because they will be self-driven to succeed and enjoy the validation of this success. 

Can Reduce Disruptive Behaviour 

As positive reinforcement focusses on rewarding good behaviour, students will be less disruptive as they would instead seek reward. This makes teaching much more manageable and allows teachers to focus on the learning material. 

Positive Reinforcement Examples in the Classroom 

Whether in a traditional classroom or an online homeschooling environment, teachers, parents, and tutors can use positive reinforcement in certain ways. 

Verbal praise

Verbal praise can be highly effective and should not be underestimated. It is essential to look for even the most minor accomplishments and improvements. As these occur, it is crucial to bring attention to them and let the students know that they have done well. 

For example, if a student has been struggling with a particular maths concept and gets a sum right, it should be praised. This can be something along the lines of:

"Well done, Peter! You got that right. I am impressed with your hard work and progress". 

Positive Feedback

If a student struggles with a certain concept, there is a way to implement positive reinforcement using positive feedback. While they are struggling, one can show support and confidence in their ability to grasp a concept by providing them with some encouraging words. 

For example, "You are moving in the right direction and progressing! Keep it up, and I know you will succeed."

Positive Notes or Certificates

Positive notes and/or certificates can be useful. If you are a teacher in a conventional classroom, you can send congratulatory notes back to the children's parents once they have achieved a goal or done something well. 

If you are a parent homeschooling your child, you can still use notes and certificates that can be pinned to a board or on the fridge. This will still give them a feeling of satisfaction and praise. 


Rewards can be utilised as more elaborate forms of positive reinforcement. Depending on whether you are a teacher or a parent, these rewards can change and be utilised differently. 

If you are a teacher, you can reward students by giving them extra break time when they have finished all their work on time. 

As a parent, you could potentially offer your child a fun activity, such as a trip to a fun park, or let them pick a movie and the snacks for family movie night when they have done something exceptional. 

Ultimately, positive reinforcement focuses on creating a loving, positive, and accepting environment that motivates children to perform certain actions because they want to do so. Once this positive attitude has been fostered within a child, they are more likely to enjoy learning and succeed throughout their educational career. 

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Using Positive Reinforcement in the Classroom, While Learning

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Using Positive Reinforcement in the Classroom, While Learning

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