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Kern inligting

While no formal academic skills are required, children should demonstrate basic social, emotional, and physical development, such as interacting with peers, following instructions, and participating in group activities.
Grade R has a test each term. A successful pass will enable the student to progress to Grade 1.
Voorgestel vir
jarige leerders
Jaarlikse skool kalenderLesrooster
Gaan die leerdersboeklys nateken op

Main information

While no formal academic skills are required, children should demonstrate basic social, emotional, and physical development, such as interacting with peers, following instructions, and participating in group activities.
Grade R has a test each term. A successful pass will enable the student to progress to Grade 1.
Suggested for
year old students
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Textbook List
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What is the

Grade R


Wat is die

Grade R


The Grade R syllabus encompasses Language, Mathematics, and Life Orientation. Its purpose is to equip children for both the CAPS and International British Curriculum. Each subject follows a well-structured lesson plan prepared by expert teachers. Students attend weekly Live Lessons on Mathematics and Literacy and engage with the teacher in practical activities.

Grade R

school fees

Grade R


CambriLearn bied drie aanpasbare pakkette aan om aan die individuele leerlinge se behoeftes te voldoen. Jy kan die pakket vergelyking en geskatte kosteberekening vir ons KABV-kurrikulum aanbod hier sien.

CambriLearn offers three customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our CAPS Curriculum offering here.

CambriLearn offers two customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our British Curriculum offering here.

Parents can combine the Standard and Premium packages by selecting the needed support for a specific subject.

CambriLearn offers two customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our Pearson Edexcel Curriculum offering here.

Parents can combine the Standard and Premium packages by selecting the needed support for a specific subject.

Grade R

entry requirements

Grade R


While no formal academic skills are required, children should demonstrate basic social, emotional, and physical development, such as interacting with peers, following instructions, and participating in group activities.

Admissions and assessment

Toelatings en assessering

If you're uncertain about the grade or level that your child should be enrolled in, you can speak to one of our education consultants who will determine if your child should complete an assessment to establish their appropriate schooling level.

As jy onseker is oor die graad of vlak waarop jou kind ingeskryf moet word, kan jy met een van ons onderwys konsultante praat wat sal bepaal of jou kind 'n assessering moet voltooi om hul geskikte skoolvlak te bepaal.

Praat met 'n toelatingsadviseur

Praat met een van ons opvoedingspesialiste wat jou sal help om die regte kursusvlak en produkpakket te kies om aan die spesifieke behoeftes van jou kind te voldoen.

  • Ontmoet met die konsultant
  • Bespreek jou kind se behoeftes
  • Kry die regte pakket
  • Teken enige tyd van die jaar op
Praat met 'n konsultant

All CambriLearn

Grade R
