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If I get a system error, what should I do?

If I get a system error, what should I do?

Some troubleshooting tips that might help:

1. Refresh the CambriLearn page or try a 'hard refresh' (press Ctrl and F5 together).

2. Clear cookies and cache for cambrilearn.com.

3. Close and reopen your browser or try using a different browser.

Our platform performs best using Google Chrome.

Related FAQ

Are there any additional costs over and above the subscription fees?
Our fees exclude textbooks and external exams written at an exam centre.
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Can I cancel my subscription?
Certain terms and conditions apply to cancellations. Please read the full article if you wish to cancel your subscription.
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Can I pay in any currency?
Our prices are based in US dollars, but don’t worry if your currency is different.
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