It’s showtime! CambriLearn’s third annual talent show is here and we can't wait to see your unique gifts shine on our virtual stage. Sing, dance, act, or show off your magic skills - anything goes! You can stand a chance to win your share of R6000 in online shopping vouchers. This competition is open to ALL CambriLearn students.
How to enter
Step 1
Record your 90-second audition video. (May not exceed 120 seconds)
Step 2
Post it on social media using the hashtags #CambriLearn2024 & #TalentShow in the caption and tag @CambriLearn.
Step 3
Submit your entry by filling in the form below.
- Junior Overall Winner (12 years old and under) - R1000 online shopping voucher
- Senior Overall Winner (13 years old and older) - R1000 online shopping voucher
- 1st Place Overall - R2500
- 2nd Place Overall - R1000
- 3rd Place Overall - R500
How winners will be determined
Winners will be determined by a split score of 80% from the judges and 20% from public votes.
Judge's Criteria
- Performance & Confidence
- Skill & Professionalism
- Creativity
- Entertainment
- Overall Impression
Public Voting
Public voting will take place during the live event.
Important dates
- 8 March 2024 - Auditions Open
- 21 March 2024 - Auditions Close
- 26 March 2024 - Finalist Announced
- 2 April 2024 - Live Finale Event
- All contestants must be CambriLearn students (Students entering as a duet/trio/group must ensure all members are CambriLearn students)
- Contestants may enter as a solo, duet, trio or group (4 or more)
- Contestants may only enter once. (If a contestant has entered as part of a duet/trio/group, he/she/they may not enter again as a solo or in a different duet/trio/group)
- All forms of talent are welcome to enter. (eg. dancers, singers, comedians, ventriloquists etc.)
- Winners will be determined by a combination of scores from the judges (80%) and the public (20%).
- Performances may not include profanity, revealing outfits or inappropriate moves.
- Audition videos should be 90 seconds and may not exceed 120 seconds.
- Winners announcement is final, no correspondence will be entered into after the virtual event.
- Contestants may not contact the judges for any reason before the virtual event has concluded.