Calling all our CambriLearn creatives, come show us what you got!
We’re hosting a #CambriLearnReimagined drawing competition.
How to enter
Step 1 - Pick one of the three canvasses.

Step 2 - Work your magic and redesign it.
Step 3 - Post it on social media before 09 September 2022 20h00 SAST. Ensure you use #CambriLearnReimagined & #Art in the caption as well as tag us @cambrilean
Rules for participation:
- Entries open 29 August 2022 and close 09 September 2022 20h00 SAST.
- To participate you must be a 2022 CambriLearn Student.
- Contestants must choose ONE of the three canvases.
- Contestants must post their final design on their social media account (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) and use #CambriLearnReimagined & #art in the caption. The contestant must also tag @cambrilearn in the caption or image.
- There will be no public voting for this competition and the winner will be chosen by our judges only.
- The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The prize for this competition is a R500 online shopping voucher as well as having your design featured as the profile picture on all CambriLearn social media accounts for a day. This prize is not exchangeable for cash.
Disclaimer: By entering into this competition you give CambriLearn permission to repost your design on our social media channels.