Calling all wordsmiths and dream weavers! We are excited to announce our very first creative writing competition.
Inspired by our students and their creativity, we have decided to host a writing competition based on the story of the CambriLearn owl.
A few months ago, our high school students asked us about the meaning and story behind the CambriLearn owl. In response, we asked them to share their thoughts on the owl’s name and its story.
Our students truly showed their brilliance and creativity by inventing several names and story ideas. The excitement about their school mascot, and their desire to contribute and create inspired us!
Therefore, we want to give our students the opportunity to share their creativity by writing a story and entering into a creative writing competition.
All CambriLearn students are encouraged to enter this competition and can stand a chance to win up to R1500 in their category.
The Story Theme
The Story of the CambriLearn Owl
Creative Writing Story Brief
Write a short story, no longer than 2000 words, that tells the tale of the CambriLearn Owl. The story must use one of the names that were suggested by our high school students. Writers can interpret the theme in any way they wish.
Owl names to choose from:
- Sputnik
- Apollo
- Artemis
- Avalar
- Brodwin
- Bubo
- Merlin
Prize Categories
Winners by age group:
- High School (Foundation II - A Levels / Grade 9 - 11): R1500
- Intermediate phase (Grade 6 - 8): R1500
- Junior phase: (Grade 4&5): R1000
The story’s winners will be announced on Social Media and their stories will be published on the CambriLearn website.
All Participants will receive a CambriLearn Culture Award.
Competition Rules
- All submissions and enquiries can be sent to
- The competition is open to all CambriLearn students - including those who are part of an affiliated learning centre.
- Entrants must submit a story of maximum word count: 2000 words. Any entries exceeding the word count by 50 words will not be considered.
- The 2023 theme is ‘The Story of CambriLearn’s Owl”’. Writers can interpret and represent the theme in any way they choose. Each writer must create their own title.
- Only one story per entrant is allowed.
- We only accept entries written in English.
- The competition closes at midnight on 10 July 2023. The winners will be announced on the 25th of July 2023 and contacted to receive their prize.
- Prizewinners will be notified via email as well as on our website; please ensure you supply a valid email address with your entry.
- Prize money will be paid via electronic transfer or PayPal.
- Entrants must own the copyright to the story submitted.
- Writers retain copyright, but give permission for their work to be published on our website.
- The judges’ decision is final; no disputes will be entered into.
- If your entry has not been acknowledged within three working days, please contact us as your email may have gotten lost in transit.
- Absolutely no generative AI to be used (ChatGPT etc.). If we deem stories were not written by a human they will be excluded.
- Parents and guardians are welcome to help proofread their children’s stories, but should not make major amendments to the story, writing style, and ideas shared.
Entry Format:
- Only entries submitted through the official entry form (link here) will be accepted.
- Stories must be sent as a Word document attachment.
- Each story must have a unique title. Do not use the theme as your title.
- Do not include your name on any page of your story. All entries will be judged blind.
- Use a font such as Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 or more. Use 1.5 or double spacing between lines. We prefer a clear line between paragraphs rather than indenting.