The CambriLearn Learn to Read and Write course is the first level offered in the British International curriculum at CambriLearn and precedes Primary Stage 1. Learning to Read and Write is a phonics, course which prepares 5–6-year-old students for their first year of proper schooling with an emphasis on listening, speaking and reading.
The course uses the approach favoured in many of the newer phonics programmes, teaching letters and blends, rather than teaching all the single letters before moving onto blends. This approach allows the child to already ‘read’ words from Week 2. From Week 20, the course integrates time for learning sight words, all of which leads to a more rounded approach to learning to read and write.
By building their literacy from the start, this course provides a sound foundation for subsequent primary courses.
CambriLearn bied drie aanpasbare pakkette aan om aan die individuele leerlinge se behoeftes te voldoen. Jy kan die pakket vergelyking en geskatte kosteberekening vir ons KABV-kurrikulum aanbod hier sien.
CambriLearn offers three customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our CAPS Curriculum offering here.
CambriLearn offers two customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our British Curriculum offering here.
Parents can combine the Standard and Premium packages by selecting the needed support for a specific subject.
CambriLearn offers two customisable packages to meet the individual student's needs. You can view the package comparison and estimated cost breakdown for our Pearson Edexcel Curriculum offering here.
Parents can combine the Standard and Premium packages by selecting the needed support for a specific subject.
Since the approach is based on teaching letter blends and sounds, familiarity with the letters of the alphabet will be beneficial.
If you're uncertain about the grade or level that your child should be enrolled in, you can speak to one of our education consultants who will determine if your child should complete an assessment to establish their appropriate schooling level.
As jy onseker is oor die graad of vlak waarop jou kind ingeskryf moet word, kan jy met een van ons onderwys konsultante praat wat sal bepaal of jou kind 'n assessering moet voltooi om hul geskikte skoolvlak te bepaal.
Praat met een van ons opvoedingspesialiste wat jou sal help om die regte kursusvlak en produkpakket te kies om aan die spesifieke behoeftes van jou kind te voldoen.
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