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Parents looking at online schooling or homeschooling options for their children often find it difficult to compare apples with apples when comparing prices and what each provider offers.

To help them, we’ve compiled an Impaq vs. Brainline vs. CambriLearn comparison guide on the CAPS curriculum online schooling options. This comparison will look at each provider’s curriculums, fees, subjects, reviews, and, most importantly, the features you’ll get.

Comparing Impaq, Brainline and CambriLearn's  Fees & Features

Each provider offers different packages to meet different needs. To ensure that parents have the most comparable information to work with, we’ve compared the Impaq Online School Package with the Brainline Comprehensive Package and the CambriLearn Standard Package for the CAPS curriculum high school phase (Grades 7-11). 



Structured learning content prepared by qualified teachers

Daily / weekly virtual classes by qualified teachers

Access to qualified teachers

Access to online lesson library

Academic support

Tests, exams, and assessments

Marking of tests, exams and assessments by subject specialists

Receive progress reports after each assessment cycle

Student lesson progress tracker

Student chat forums

Wellness app & counselor with fitness sessions

Receive a valid academic record to proceed to grade 12

Students per class / online Q&A session




Price Grade 7-9

R28 116 per annum

R27 500 per annum

R33 165 per annum

Price Grade 10-11

R28 116 per annum

R35 000 per annum

R27 895 per annum

Important fees information

Note: we could not ascertain how many students attend Brainline’s online classes.

We compared Impaq and Brainline’s fees in the table above with CambriLearn’s Standard Package. If parents feel their child needs additional support for a specific subject, they can sign up for CambriLearn’s Premium subscription option (for that subject), which will give them access to additional features such as Direct Chat with teachers and Live Q&A sessions with other students.

Course schedule comparison

Impaq’s online schooling students follow a strict daily routine, similar to what they will experience in a traditional school environment with lessons scheduled from 8:00-14:30 daily. 

Brainline and CambriLearn’s online schooling students have access to lessons and course content in a more flexible way, students can therefore work at a pace that suits them.  However, because they are following the CAPS Curriculum students still have fixed deadlines within which to complete assignments before they can receive their report cards. 

CambriLearn, Impaq and Brainline Subject Comparison

Grade 7-9 subjects available at Impaq, Brainline and CambriLearn:



English Home Language

English First Additional Language

Afrikaans First Additional Language

Afrikaans Home Language

isiZulu First Additional Language


Life Orientation

Creative Arts

Visual Arts

Natural Sciences

Social Sciences

Business Studies

Economic Management Sciences


Note: CambriLearn does have Afrikaans Home Language and English First Additional Language available as subjects up to Grade 7 and is currently developing its KABV Kurrikulum for higher grades.

Grade 10-11 subjects available at Impaq, Brainline and CambriLearn:



English Home Language

English First Additional Language

Afrikaans First Additional Language

Afrikaans Home Language

isisZulu First Additional Language


Mathematics Literacy


Business Studies

Computer Applications Technology (CAT)

Consumer Studies

Engineering Graphics and Design

Equine Studies



Information Technology

Life Orientation

Life Sciences

Physical Sciences


Visual Arts



Social & Emotional Learning

Python Coding for Teens





Disclaimer: The information in this piece was collected from public sources on 19 November 2024, and may have changed since the date it was published.