Main information

40 Weeks
CAPS Grade 1 or an equivalent
Suggested Ages
year old studends
Subject fees
Please note that SACAI charges an additional fee per subject.
CAPS Grade 2 Life Skills
Online live lessons
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Course description

Life Skills is central to the holistic development of learners. It is concerned with the social, personal, intellectual, emotional and physical growth of learners, and with the way in which these are integrated. The Life Skills subject is aimed at guiding and preparing learners for life and its possibilities, including equipping learners for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society.

Through Life Skills, learners are exposed to a range of knowledge, skills and values that strengthen their:

  • physical, social, personal, emotional and cognitive development 
  • creative and aesthetic skills and knowledge through engaging in dance, music, drama and visual art activities
  • knowledge of personal health and safety
  • understanding of the relationship between people and the environment
  • awareness of social relationships, technological processes and elementary science.

Life Skills is taught through three study areas:

  • Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Well-being (BKPSW)
  • Creative Arts: Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts (PA)
  • Physical Education (PE)

Admissions and assessment

If you're uncertain about the grade or level that your child should be enrolled in, you can speak to one of our education consultants who will determine if your child should complete an assessment to establish their appropriate schooling level.

Course Fees

CambriLearn offers two packages, Premium and Standard. Our courses are priced in US dollars. You are welcome to pay in monthly instalments (10x instalments) or as a once-off annual fee.

If you need more advice, or would like to discuss your individual learning requirements, one of our education consultants can assist you with a formal quote once they have assessed your individual needs.

CambriLearn offers three packages, Premium, Standard and Starter. Our courses are priced in South African Rand. You are welcome to pay in monthly instalments (10x instalments) or as a once-off annual fee.

If you need more advice, or would like to discuss your individual learning requirements, one of our education consultants can assist you with a formal quote once they have assessed your individual needs.

All CambriLearn

Grade 2


Speak to an Admissions Consultant

Speak to one of our education specialists who will help you choose the right course level and product package to meet your child's specific needs.

  • Meet with an advisor
  • Discuss your needs
  • Get the right schooling package
  • Enrol with CambriLearn at any time
Speak to a consultant